17th Meeting
13/05/2021On 13 May 2021, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 17th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:
- Decision granting authorisation to Martina Martinović to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of the company Wüstenrot životno osiguranje d.d., Zagreb, Heinzelova 33/a, personal identification number (OIB): 109318212674, for a term lasting from 1 June 2021 to 15 December 2024
- Decision granting authorisation to Ingrid Riedl to perfom the function of a member of the supervisory board of the company Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d., Slovenska ulica 24, Zagreb, personal identification number (OIB): 52848403362, for the remaining duration of the current term until 22 April 2024
- Decision granting authorisation to Zoran Dimov to perfom the function of a member of the Supervisory Board of the company Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d., Slovenska ulica 24, Zagreb, personal identification number (OIB): 52848403362, for the remaining duration of the current term until 22 April 2024
- Decision granting authorisation to Zlatko Lerota to perfom the function of a member of the Supervisory Board of the company EUROHERC osiguranje d.d., Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 282, personal identification number (OIB): 22694857747, for a new term lasting 4 (four) years, from 19 July 2021 to 19 July 2025
- Decision granting authorisation to Mladenka Grgić, PhD, to perfom the function of a member of the Supervisory Board of the company EUROHERC osiguranje d.d., Zagreb, Ulica grada Vukovara 282, personal identification number (OIB): 22694857747, for a new term lasting 4 (four) years, from 19 July 2021 to 19 July 2025
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Dario Kolačko, founder of the insurance representation craft IN2 ZASTUPANJE, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, DARIO KOLAČKO, OSIJEK, ANDRIJE HEBRANGA 77
- Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company FIMA INVEST d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Gradišćanska ulica 34, personal identification number (OIB): 32697869602, for the establishment and management of FIMA Invest New Technologies, open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering, granting approval for the Rules of the Fund and for the selection of HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA d.d., Zagreb, Jurišićeva 4, personal identification number (OIB): 87939104217, as the depositary of the Fund
- Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company FIMA INVEST d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Gradišćanska ulica 34, personal identification number (OIB): 32697869602, for the establishment and management of FIMA Invest Energy, open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering, granting approval for the Rules of the Fund and for the selection of HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA d.d., Zagreb, Jurišićeva 4, personal identification number (OIB): 87939104217, as the depositary of the Fund
- Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company Erste Asset Management d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, Ivana Lučića 2a, Zagreb, personal identification number (OIB): 68572873963, for the establishment and management of Erste Green Equity, feeder open-ended alternative investment fund with public offering, including approval for the rules and the prospectus of this fund and for the selection of ERSTE&STEIERMÄRKISCHE BANK d.d. Rijeka, Jadranski trg 3a, personal identification number (OIB): 23057039320, as the depositary of this fund
- Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company Erste Asset Management d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, Ivana Lučića 2a, Zagreb, personal identification number (OIB): 68572873963, for the establishment and management of Erste Quality Equity, feeder open-ended alternative investment fund with public offering, including approval for the rules and the prospectus of this fund and for the selection of ERSTE&STEIERMÄRKISCHE BANK d.d. Rijeka, Jadranski trg 3a, personal identification number (OIB): 23057039320, as the depositary of this fund
- Official position on the legal nature of the compensation paid by investment firms to tied agents for the activities performed