Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
Electronic receipt of documents
Electronic contact point:
- e-mail: pisarnica@hanfa.hr
Where the document to be submitted consists of more than one sheet, all sheets must be contained in a single file, without blank sheets. Each document and attachment must form a separate unit and, if due to the quantity of data, they are submitted in more than one file, it is necessary to indicate in the filename that they form one unit.
If the document received in electronic form is illegible, the sender shall be informed thereof without delay and shall be requested to resubmit it in in a legible form within a specified time limit. If the sender fails to do so, the document shall be deemed not to have been received.
Pages intended for registered users of the reporting system only:
In the case where there is no prescribed obligation to deliver the submission in electronic form, such submission may be delivered by post or in person.
funds.legal@hanfa.hr funds.onsite@hanfa.hr funds.onsite@hanfa.hr +385 1 6173 352
investment.firms@hanfa.hr funds.legal@hanfa.hr funds.onsite@hanfa.hr funds.onsite@hanfa.hr +385 1 6173 384
insurance.legal@hanfa.hr insurance.onsite@hanfa.hr insurance.offsite@hanfa.hr +385 1 6173 403 +385 1 6173 335 +385 1 6173 462
leasing@hanfa.hr faktoring@hanfa.hr +385 1 6173 231