56th Meeting


On 25 October 2018, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 56th meeting and adopted the following decisions:

  1. Ordinance on issuing work authorisation to investment firms, market intermediaries, third-country branches, register of persons authorised to perform services and activities under the Capital Market Act and status changes of investment firms
  2. Ordinance on issuing approval and criteria for suitability assessment of management board members, key function holders and holders of a qualifying holding in an investment firm
  3. Ordinance on annual notification to Hanfa of the use of exemptions from the obligation to obtain work authorisation and application of conditions for the performance of investment services and activities
  4. Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the structure and contents of financial statements and additional reports of insurance companies and/or reinsurance companies
  5. Decision granting approval to Nikola Planinić to perform activities of a member of the management board of the company Honestas Private Equity Partneri d.o.o. za upravljanje otvorenim investicijskim fondovima rizičnog kapitala s privatnom ponudom, with its registered office in Zagreb, Jurišićeva 12, OIB: 32697869602, for a term of 4 (four) years from the day of issuing this Decision
  6. Decision granting approval to the company Kraš d.d., Zagreb, Ravnice 48, OIB: 94989605030, for the prospectus of the issuance of minimum 62,500 up to maximum 125,000 new registered dematerialised ordinary shares, with a nominal value of HRK 400.00, of total nominal amount from minimum HRK 25,000,000.00 to maximum HRK 50,000,000.00, and admission of these shares the regulated market, in accordance with the decision of the company’s General Meeting held on 31 August 2018
  7. Decision granting approval, pursuant to Article 135(3) of the Act on Mandatory Pension Funds, to the company Allianz ZB d.o.o. društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Heinzelova 70, OIB: 58384724129, for an extension of the deadline to align investments of assets of category A, B and C mandatory pension funds for additional three months, i.e. until 26 January 2019, specifically: for AZ category B mandatory pension fund with respect to the exposure of 5%, and jointly for AZ category A, B and C mandatory pension funds with respect to the exposure of 7% of regulatory capital of one credit institution from Article 125(1)(8) of the Act on Mandatory Pension Funds, by investing in deposits, taking into account cash in accounts from Article 125(1)(10) of the Act on Mandatory Pension Funds

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