11th Meeting


On 9 February 2018, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 11th meeting and adopted several decisions.

1. Decision granting approval to Ivana Balenović to perform the function of a member of the management board  of the company Mercedes-Benz Leasing Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb, Kovinska 5, OIB: 17080997510, for the term of 5 (five) years
2. Decision granting approval to Mirko Šerbeđija to perform the function of a member of the management board  of the company Mercedes-Benz Leasing Hrvatska d.o.o., Zagreb, Kovinska 5, OIB: 17080997510, for the term of 5 (five) years
3. Decision granting authorisation to Denis Pranjić, founder of the craft ROYAL CONSULT, OBRT ZA ZASTUPANJE U OSIGURANJU, DENIS PRANJIĆ, ROVINJ, LJUDEVITA GAJA 5, to carry out insurance representation activities
4. Decision granting authorisation to Filip Štefanac, founder of the craft AVATAR, OBRT ZA ZASTUPANJE U OSIGURANJU, FILIP ŠTEFANAC, K. ZVONIMIRA 18, PLETERNICA, to carry out insurance representation activities
5.  Decision granting authorisation to Ante Čičin Karlov, founder of the craft KARLOV, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Ante Čičin Karlov, Vodice, Lovetovo IV 6, to carry out insurance representation activities
6.  Decision granting authorisation to Ana Marija Liber, founder of the craft GRIF, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Ana Marija Liber, Zagreb, Ljutićka 7, to carry out insurance representation activities
7. Decision granting authorisation to the pre-company ADA ZASTUPANJE društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za zastupanje u osiguranju Ludbreg, Ljudevita Gaja 76, to carry out insurance representation activities
8. Decision granting authorisation to the pre-company PULSAR d.o.o. za zastupanje u osiguranju, Slavonski Brod, to carry out insurance representation activities


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