UCITS management companies

No. Name OIB
1. ALTERNATIVE INVEST d.o.o. 34251042886
2. Erste Asset Management d.o.o. 68572873963
3. Eurizon Asset Management Croatia d.o.o. 73073960573
4. Global Invest društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima 89492953056
5. HPB Invest, društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje UCITS fondovima 77486858909
7. OTP INVEST d.o.o. 96261939721
8. Raiffeisen Invest društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje UCITS fondovima 81769224349
9. ZB Invest d.o.o. 23889363045

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  • 3-01 Establishment and management of UCITS
  • 3-02 Establishment and management of alternative investment funds
  • 3-04 Establishment and management of voluntary pension funds
  • 3-05 Safe-keeping and administration
  • 1-04 Portfolio management
  • 1-05 Investment advice

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